熟悉柴火菌近期活动的小伙伴们应该知道,进入2025年1月以来,来自MIT媒体实验室的精英团队来到深圳,在矽递科技、南方科技大学创新创意设计学院、AIRS和安克创新的大力支持下,开始了为期一个月的创新探索。团队成员在此次Maker Camp in Shenzhen中,深入体验大湾区的创新生态,探索着最新的科技与创客文化。
在这一个月的时间里,MIT学生们参与了多个极具启发的活动,涵盖了学术、艺术、技术和行业多个维度,包括Scalable HCI 学术研讨会、参观工厂以了解从生产的完整流程、“智慧空间”创客马拉松、行业专家讲座、科技艺术展等。
Earlier this month, Chaihuo Makerspace welcomed a talented team from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), supported by Seeed Studio, Southern University of Science and Technology, AIRS, and Anker Innovation. This group has embarked on a month-long Maker Camp in Shenzhen journey, where they've been exploring innovation in the heart of the Greater Bay Area.
Throughout their stay, the team engaged in a rich array of activities, including: the Scalable HCI Symposium; Art exhibitions showcasing the intersection of technology and creativity; Factory visits to witness Shenzhen’s unparalleled manufacturing capabilities; Smart Space Hackathon designed to foster collaboration; Industry talks and academic presentations by thought leaders and experts.
On the afternoon of January 21st, the team will gather at Chaihuo Makerspace to share their top 3 discoveries and unfulfilled goals from their transformative journey in Shenzhen.
Have you ever wondered what happens when MIT students immerse themselves in the Greater Bay Area, the vibrant pulse of innovation? Curious about the extraordinary supply chain resources and thriving maker culture they’ve discovered? Join us next Tuesday for an exclusive insight into their experiences!
Alan Han,MIT 大学 MAS 系比特和原子中心 (CBA) 研究生,研究微纳米领域的离散组装。
Andy Kong,MIT Media Lab 研究员;关键词:人体增强、计算摄影和个人信息学。
Francisco Ramirez,MIT 大学博士生,研究微型机器人运动,具体应用于制造自我复制机器人。
Jason Hou,MIT Media Lab 大学博士生;关键词:电子设计、材料、神经和软组织接口设备。
Patrick Chwalek,MIT Media Lab 大学响应环境小组博士生。探索:动物体内和近体监测、机器学习模型、边缘计算、生理学(人类和动物)感知和野火探测器。
Thomas Sanchez,MIT Media Lab 博士生;关键词:城市科学、音乐、人类色彩感知
Vineet Padia,MIT 机械工程博士生;关键词:微流体、软机器人、MEMS 和精密机械设计。
Cedric Honnet,MIT Media Lab 博士生;关键词:HCI - 嵌入式系统 - 人类增强 - 可穿戴设备
Alan Han, grad student in the Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) in the MAS dept at MIT, exploring discrete assembly in the micro and nano realms.
Andy Kong, research affiliate at MIT Media Lab; Keywords: human augmentation, computational photography, and personal informatics.
Francisco Ramirez, PhD student at MIT doing research on microrobot locomotion, specifically applied to the purpose of making self-replicating robots.
Jason Hou, PhD student at the MIT Media Lab; Keywords: electronics design, materials, neural and soft-tissue interface devices.
Patrick Chwalek, PhD student in the Responsive Environments Group at the MIT Media Lab. Explorations: on- and near-animal monitoring, machine learning models, edge computing, physiology (of humans and animals) sensing, and wildfire detectors.
Thomas Sanchez, PhD student at the MIT Media Lab; Keywords: City Science, music, human color perception
Vineet Padia, PhD student in mechanical engineering at MIT; Keywords: microfluidics, soft robotics, MEMS, and precision mechanical design.
Cedric Honnet, PhD student at MIT Media Lab; Keywords: HCI - Embedded Systems - Human Augmentation - Wearables
Date: Jan. 21 2025, 17:00
Location: B622, Vanke Cloud, Xili street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
Fee: Free
Regstration: Exclusive to Chaihuo Certified Members Only. Scan the QR code below to register.
This event offers you the rare opportunity to learn firsthand from the MIT students about their experiences in Shenzhen. Explore what they discovered about Shenzhen’s maker culture, and gain valuable insights into the future of global innovation. Seats are limited, so ensure you secure your spot today. Don’t miss this exclusive sharing session!
Maker Camp in Shenzhen
柴火创客空间携手矽递科技于2024年正式启动“Maker Camp in Shenzhen”项目(国际创新项目加速平台)。此项倡议意在结合深圳丰富的供应链资源、电子技术设施、快速原型制作能力以及广阔的开源社区网络,为来自全球的高校团队和创新实践者提供一个深度接触深圳(及大湾区)创新生态系统的机会。
Maker Camp in Shenzhen, launched by Seeed Studio and Chaihuo, is a unique initiative that provides innovators with a hands-on learning experience in one of the most dynamic tech ecosystems in the world. Participants delve into Shenzhen’s thriving innovation scene, engaging with open-source, hardware-based projects that have the potential to drive positive social impact.