深圳|DIY Robocars Shenzhen: 如何打造一辆属于你的Robocars

深圳|DIY Robocars Shenzhen: 如何打造一辆属于你的Robocars
2019/6/26 19:30:54

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如果你关注无人驾驶和电动汽车两大领域的交叉领域,那么你多少应该都会对Robocar有所了解。Robocar是全球第辆完全实现自动驾驶的电动赛车,由专门为好莱坞科幻电影设计赛车的Daniel Simon设计。

If you are a big fan of crossover between autonomous cars and electric cars, then you must have heard of Robocar, which is the world's first driverless electric racing car, designed by Daniel Simon, known for his works in many Hollywood films.

Robocar designed by Daniel Simon

Robocar实车长 4.5米、宽 2米,动力系统采用全电动化设计,位于车身中央的540kW电池可驱动4个功率为300kW的马达,极速可高达320千米/时。车身搭载相当数量的传感器阵列:包括2个毫米波雷达、5 个激光雷达、18 个超声波雷达和6个摄像头。其车身除了驾驶舱设计,没有任何可供人类使用的控制面板,将驾驶员取而代之的,是包括雷达、摄像头等在内的一系列传感器阵列以及数据处理大脑。是不是超级酷?

Robocar is 4.5 meters long, 2 meters wide, fully equipped with an electric dynamic system. The 540kW battery in the car center can power up to four motors 300kW, which can reach 320km/hour. The car is powered by a large number of sensors: 2 millimeter-wave radar, LiDAR sensors, 5 LiDAR, 18 ultrasonic sensors, and 6 cameras. It's the world's first driverless electric racing car! Isn't that cool?


不不不!还有更酷的。Roborace,全球第一个无人驾驶电动汽车竞赛,可以理解为电动车无人驾驶界的F1大赛。上面酷到天上去的Robocar,是Roborace指定比赛车型之一。 Roborace大赛鼓励同场比赛使用统一车型,每场比赛真正比拼的,也正是参赛团队的软件设计能力。目前,Roborace主要有三家合作伙伴,分别是轮胎制造商米其林、电动汽车技术公司Charge,以及芯片制造商英伟达。

Oh, what's even cooler is that Robocar has been chosen as one the designated car for Roborace, the world's first driverless electric car race, aka. F1 of the driverless electric car.  While Roborace encourages using the same car type, it emphasis the software design capabilities of the participating teams.  Currently, Roborace's three main partners are Michelin, the tire manufacturer; Charge, the electric car technology company; and Nvidia, the chip manufacturer.  


There has been an increasing enthusiasm in the combination of technology and car races. As many people might be able to tell that the cost of manufacturing a Robocar is quite prohibitive, making it difficult for hobbyists to participate.  

DIY Robocars奥克兰月度固定聚会与比赛

但是(没错,有需求就一定有的但是)!DIY Robocars的出现可谓是Roborace各大爱好者的福音。DIY Robocars由Chris Anderson(3D机器人的首席执行官,DIY无人机的创始人和Sparkfun自动驾驶赛的冠军,Wired杂志编辑和The Long Tail,Freedom和Maker等畅销书作者)在美国创建,其创立的初衷便是建立一个基于制造成本的缩小版自动驾驶汽车爱好者社区。

Howevre,  there are always methods when there are needs. The birth of DIY Robocars is a gospel to lots of Roborace hobbyists. DIY Robocars is founded by Chris Anderson, with a vision of creating & nurturing a community for people to build a downsized driverless electric cars. Yes, Chris Anderson is the one who is well-known in the maker community. He is the CEO and Founder of 3D Robotics and DIY Drones, the champion of Sparkfun's Autonomous Vehicle Competition, Editor-in-Chief of Wired Magzine, author of The Long Tail, FREE, and Maker.  

DIY Robocars社区比赛视频

DIY Robocars与Google/Waymo元件与成本构成对比

DIY Robocars通过提供一些经济型DIY套件,鼓励社区成员协作,自己动手制造1/10或1/16等比缩小车版自动驾驶电动汽车,并发起线下比赛,进而鼓励社区成员测试并应用包括自动驾驶技术、人工智能等尖端科技在现实世界中的运用。因为广受社区欢迎,目前,DIY Robocars已由起初的发起地美国加州奥克兰,发展为在欧洲、大洋洲、拉丁美洲、亚洲30-50多个城市均会定期举办全球性社区活动,社区成员数接近2万人。

By providing affordable DIY kits, DIY Robocars encourages community members to collaborate and build a driverless electric car that is 1/10 or 1/16 of the original size.  With the offline contest, it further encourages community members to test and apply driverless technologies, AI and other cutting-edge technologies into the real world. As it gains popularity in the community, DIY Robocars has gathered more than 20,000 participants from 30~50 cities in Europe, Arctic, Latin America, and Asia since its first launch in Oakland, California in the US.  

为了让深圳的社区小伙伴们也可以参与到DIY Robocars的行列,柴火联合社区合作伙伴Robotics Masters,引进这种社区同创的比赛形式,发起DIY Robocars Shenzhen,共同打造属于深圳自动驾驶汽车爱好者的社区。而我们将在6月26日(下周三)晚上在柴火创客空间开营分享,为后面的每月聚会和比赛热身。

To make it possible for the Shenzhen community to join the exciting journey of DIY Robocars, Chaihuo x.factory cooperated with Robotics Masters to usher in this community contest and co-host DIY Robocars Shenzhen, creating and nourishing a community for driverless electric car hobbyists in Shenzhen. We will debut the first event next Wednesday (June 26th) evening at Chaihuo x.factory. This is the warm-up for the upcoming monthly meetup + contest. 


Can't wait to get your hands dirty to build a kickass driverless electric car? Getting excited about joining the community of enthusiastic makers? Don't hesitate, sign up now! 


-DIY Robocars社区及其背后的故事

-如何通过造物参与DIY Robocars社区



-DIY Robocars community and the story behind 

-How to participate in the DIY Robocars community through making 

-How to build a Robocars


时间:6月26日 19:30-21:30



Event Details:

Time; 19:30 - 21:30, June 26th (Wednesday) 

Venue: Chaihuo x.factory 

Expected participants: mechanical engineers, electrical/electronic engineers, software engineers


  Chaihuo x.factory|深圳,东莞,河北  

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